Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Same Kind of Different as Me

I recently read the book 'The Same Kind of Different as Me'. I received it free through with the only deal being that I would write a review about it on my blog. Let me tell you... deal or no deal, that book was amazing. It is a true story and fiction could not be written any more addictive. This book shook me to the core. I received it yesterday afternoon and used every free moment to read until I was finished today! I laughed, I sobbed... I learned!

First of all, the sadness and oppression of blacks in America at times in our history was eye opening. I am not ignorant that slavery existed, however, it was long before my time and nothing that I have seen personally. Out of sight, out of mind so to speak. I have never read about it in a first person perspective, until now. It disgusted me! In God's eyes, we are all the same, sadly that is not how it has been on Earth.

The story of Ron and Debbie was such a blessing to read. Debbie truly was a woman seeking to serve God. What a beautiful example of the virtuous wife! Her blindness to those "unlike" herself was so admirable and I only wish that more of us had that same compassion, myself included!

Without giving the whole story away, I would just say that this book is such a testimony of God having a plan for every one of us! He uses ALL things for His glory and though we may not understand the "why's", it is all part of His plan. This book is powerful... filled with the power of compassion, overwhelming with the example of faithfulness, and powerfully motivating to make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. I will order this book next! I can't wait to read it now!! P.S. I am amazed that you have the time to read so much with 4 kids! I need tips on time management from you!
