Friday, October 23, 2009

Churches for Santa?

Sadly, Blake figured out last year that Santa was not who he thought it was for all these years. :( It was awfully sad, but being too smart for his own good, he asked outright and we felt we had to tell him. We swore him to secrecy and threatened him like crazy if he breathed a word to anyone, much less his brothers. So, he really played up the Santa thing with his younger siblings, while feeling as if he was practically an adult pulling one over on his young immature little bros!

Well, just let the kids ride the bus and apparently they will learn EVERYTHING you are not ready for them to learn...aside from the most ungodly four letter words, you know like "dumb" and "heck", and "stupid" and "idiot", they also have heard all about Santa's hidden identity. Landon has been asking for a couple of weeks now for "THE TRUTH", as he calls it. "Mom, is Santa Clause real? Tell me the truth! Is he?" asks Landon.

"Cough, cough, gag, cough!" I say. "Well, who on earth told you that?" I continue.

"Well, the kids on the bus and my best friend, Ethan. Ethan says that his mom told him that the Tooth Fairy is not real and neither is Santa. His mom said that she is both of them!" is Landon's reply.

"What the ... huh? Well, that is just sad, Santa must not visit those kids!" Sweet huh! I am a great mom! NOT! So, he let's the initial interogation go at that! Yet, he still seems to ask every other day or so to tell him the truth and I just keep asking him if Santa visits HIM.

Then today, after apparently much thought and concern for the Salvation of the Soul of Santa Claus, he brings it back to the table for conversation. "Mom, I have a few more questions... Number 1. Does Santa ever die? Number 2. Does Santa believe in Jesus? Number 3. Are there churches at the North Pole for Santa to worship? Number 4. Just because Santa does nice things for kids, does not mean he is a Christian, you know! Number 5. Will I see Santa in Heaven?"

REALLY? First of all, Blake and Gavin were sitting right there...SWEET! Blake, is grinning and saying, "Sure there are churches at the North Pole, where Santa lives!" As for Gavin, who knows how much of this he is taking in, is telling Landon that he has to be real because he brought them light sabers and Clone Trooper helmets last year.

So, Landon says, "Did Santa bring those to us, Mom?"

"Well, he must have, because I do not remember buying them!" which is partially true because I have the memory of ... well, whatever has little to no memory...oh, Dory from Finding Nemo...that's who.

Oh my word! I certainly do not want to lie to him, but he is still so young. It makes me sad to see the disbelief so soon for my little Landon! UGH!

Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Holly-I think you need to tell him the truth. It would be one thing if he was casually asking and you were able to avoid the issue and he let it be. But...he obviously is really, really thinking about the issue. And he's in 2nd grade, it's not like he's 3 or 4. Plus, if we want to get technical, we're lying to our kids about the whole Santa thing. You know that we do Santa too-but we've never pushed the issue and I don't think I would want to go to lengths to keep it going...Just my opinion! I hope it works out!! (as I'm sure it will)
