Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I find myself wanting to write, yet not finding the time...however, I blog in my head on the way to take the kids here and there...but that does not make it to paper (or computer) before I forget what I wanted to talk about. Why do I blog, you may ask? It is a sense of feeling like I am not crazy when I can laugh about my life...and the craziness going on day to day with these four boys.

Right now, the boys just got home from school and were MADE to practice drum and guitar by "Mom the Dictator"... leading to much drama and sass...mostly from Blake. Now, it is onto homework time which is what I like to call "2-3 hours of daily Hell"! Seriously, the day is so long as it is, then they tack on sooo much homework, of things that have many times not even been taught during the day. I have not been called to homeschool my children up to this point, so I am not really sure why I find myself teaching my children at home when they get home from 7 hours of school. (Oh, it could be the 30 kids in their class, which is absolutely RIDICULOUS!!!) It has done much to wear down a very fragile relationship between Blake and I, and with all the hormonal changes he is going through and his extreme mood swings, I certainly do NOT need help in wearing at our relationship! Sheesh!

Dear Lord...HELP! I know...this too shall pass! I need to take it to the cross...something I have not done enough of lately.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain, Holly! Dylan has boat loads of hw most nights. Even as a teacher I don't agree with all the homework! Thankfully Dylan rolls with it pretty well. I'm not so sure how my drama queen will do though....
