I cannot believe it has been 4 weeks since my last post! So many things have been written about in my head..., yet never made it to the screen and now is long forgotten. Holden threw my computer off the bed, fatally injuring my power cord, thus the hiatus from Four Brown Boys. Alot has happened in 4 weeks.
Missions Conference
We were blessed enough to attend a weekend long Missions Conference at our church. WOW! What amazing people we met! There were people who are serving the Lord all over the world at the conference! Remote areas of Tibet, Thailand, Morocco, the US... ALL OVER! Through listening to all of their stories, the one thing that struck Russ and I the deepest... WHAT ARE WE DOING FOR OUR SAVIOUR? How are we sharing the most precious gift of all? These missionaries are sacrificing so much for His Glory, what are we sacrificing?
I realize that the mission field does not exist solely in other countries... it is right in our own backyard. However, one of the speakers did make the mention that as Americans, we have churches on every corner. It does not seem right to give people the chance to hear the gospel over and over and continue to reject it, when there are people in this world who are waiting to hear it for the first time. They are waiting for the message of Hope to be brought to them. Most Americans live in a shadow of a cross, yet drive right by and reject the message.
I must admit, we were both ready to sell everything we own and go to the mission field immediately after that precious experience. Who knows... we do know that God is not finished with us and we are ready and willing to be used by Him.