Monday, February 8, 2010

Thankful Thursday...4 days early

It is only Monday, but I am feeling the need to step back and think about what I am thankful for... First, let me say that I am so thankful for Russ! I am thankful that not only is Russ a loving husband and father, he is a Godly husband and father. Recently, I have been following Peggy Bourland's heart wrenching wait for her husband to return home following the Haiti earthquake. Yesterday, Ken Bourland's body was recovered. It was not the miracle anyone was believing God for, but He is God, and I know that through all of the heartache, He will be glorified and much good will come of this situation. That certainly probably does not feel good to Peggy in the now, but then again, she is an amazing woman of strength and faith, and I sure that is the only promise that she is clinging to during this time. That brings me to another thing I am thankful for, God. I rejoice that after THIS life, I have a faith and hope in a place where no tears and sorrow will dwell. Thank you, Lord, for that promise!

I can not begin to imagine what Peggy's family, or Ken's parents are experiencing, and nor do I want to imagine. It must feel unbearable. I know that even if my boys were grown, I would never want to have to lose them, especially in such unfathomable and tragic circumstances. Which leads me to another thing I am thankful for on this day. I am thankful for each of my boys. The Lord knows that today has been a difficult day for me. I am frustrated with them. I have not been very patient, and quite honestly, I am tired of being patient. I am ready for them to step up and put forth a little more effort as members of this family. Also, I NEED A BREAK! Yet, this morning, as I was expressing my frustration with Gavin, I made the mistake of voicing that in front of him. He so sadly stated, "But mommy, if you took a break, we would not have a mommy!" I love them with every bit of my being, but I just need some time. I need to be refreshed, rejuvinated.

So, at the end of this day, I just want to thank God for my husband, and for another day to love and hold him, for my boys - and for the season that I will one day miss, and for my hope of what is to come!

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