Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Got Tissue?

Well, it is 1:59 a.m.! What am I doing awake at this time of night, you wonder. Well, I am wondering too! It all started when I heard a yelling for my name... like a moaning cat. I thought that I must be dreaming, we have no cats! Then, there it is again, I hear my name. "MOOOOOOM!" and then another, "DAAAAAAD!" Oh no! One of the boys needs me. So, I jump up and head into the boys room to see what horrible thing must have occurred. It is Blake, sitting up in bed, crying, snot clogging every inch of his nose passage, the pain in his leg is too much to bear and his alarm clock is not set correctly. "HUH?" As I stumble, half asleep to get some medicine for his leg, he says he needs some tissue, at least that is what I make out through the sobbing mess that I can barely understand. So he proceeds to go to the bathroom to get some. "Why didn't you just come into my room and tell me all of this INSTEAD of yelling through the house for who know how long waiting for someone to come, possibly waking up everyone?" I ask, a little confused at his this point. "Well, that wouldn't make sense!" Blake replies. RIGHT! That's right! Oh my goodness.

So, here I sit, at 2:00 a.m. with a headache myself and a growly stomach! Is it too early for breakfast?

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