Wednesday, May 6, 2009

When one plate falls...

So, I am not feeling like the best mom today. Blake had asked me to come see him in chapel. He was to get an award and he was playing Darth Vader in a skit with his teacher. So, to support my son, of course I would go to chapel. We were almost to school when Landon informed me that he had no shoes. AWESOME! Next challenge...figure out how to get Landon shoes and be back at school for chapel (in 20 minutes). God must have kicked my booty out of bed early this morning, because I was running ahead for once. Idea: drop Blake and Gavin off, run down the street to Walmart, get shoes, back to school to chapel. DONE!

So, we go to shoes. WHAT? Seriously? We found one pair (the only one in Landon's size) we will refer to them as atrocia-shoes for future reference.
(FYI - Atrocious + shoes = atrociashoes.) We ran back to school, just in time! Then, I see Gavin's teacher...but no Gavin! "Where is Gavin?", I say. "He is not here today" she says. Hmmm. "Well, I know I am losing my mind, but I did drop him off here at 7:40 am with his brother, Blake." (Current time 8:10 am) "Oh, he is probably already over at the Muffins for Mom's celebration. Are you coming?" says Mrs. Lan, Gavin's teacher. Well, let's see, I knew nothing about it (my own fault) and I had already committed to Blake. She said just to come by her classroom after chapel and Gavin could give me my gift then. Hee Haw, Hee haw! Do you ever have those days when you just feel like the biggest "donkey"? Today is one of those days, and it is only 10am. Ugh! How can I clone myself? So, I made one child happy, while devastating another. My spinning plates are falling one by one!

So, as Mother's Day is fast approaching, there is only one thing I want...FORGIVENESS! Forgiveness from my precious sons, that I can not be everywhere and once, even though I want to be.

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