Tuesday, July 6, 2010



Wanted to let you knnow about today. Amy, Chris, and Brenna were at the dr. most of the day. They were able to go to an international clinic and see an Eng. speaking dr. We're all very hopeful of his info. He examined Brenna throughly which was not done yesterday. She is normal in length and he does not think she has any lasting developmental problems. She has great eye contact. He says says she does not have a twisted stomaach. He belives she has an underlying condition that has not b een diagnosed. Her picture that we got today from when she was about 3 weeks old showed a fat little girl. She is running a fever and the dr. believes she has a colon infection. We have med. for both. She is eating and drinking like crazy. He said feed her on demand. She is turning over, and we say her first smile this evening. Amy is so good with her and she watches her Mama's every move. The dr. mentioned maybe Chron's or colitis. We'll get the tests at home. We would like to come home early but we think we need the time here to buid her up. Amy and Chris signed the adoption papers today and paid the orphanage. She said they were counceled by so many today and many more people were involved. One of the adoption agents said Amy and Chris were approved for a healthy baby, and might not be given the right to keep Brenna. Please continue to lift us all up in your prayers. We're all tired and concerned, but so much better today. Micah is super. He is having a little trouble sharing Amy. Brenda and I kept him today while they were gone. Please pray that Brenna gets to stay with us. She would not have lived long if we hadn't gotten her. I have lots more to tell, but I know I'm rambling,. Gotta get somoe sleep.


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